
Showing posts from March 17, 2013

App life cycle in iPhone?

iPhone 2G/3G app life cycle  (START) - didFinshLunchWithOptions - applicationDidBecomeActive (HOME PRESSED) - applicationDidEnterBackground - appWillTerminate iPad / iPhone 4 app lifecycle (START) - didFinshLunchWithOptions - applicationDidBecomeActive (HOME PRESSED) - appWillResignActive  - applicationDidEnterBackground (RESART APP IN  THE  "TASKBAR" )   - appWillEnterForeGround  - appDidBecomeActive 

Why iPhone apps are popular?

     Give our business a whole new way of transacting business for millions of users. iPhones are the market leaders in the smart phone segment. The iPhone has become a great device to surf the internet, play games, interact with social networks and transact business.

What is an iPhone app?

  An iPhone app is a program that runs on our iPhone/iPod Touch. It enables us to  accomplish  a certain task. They could be utility apps, games, enterprise apps, entertainment apps, apps to access our bank account etc.